The Sign of Terror Chapter One In The War of The Hype's "Yes please proceed with caution"Snively said The Hype-Warriors had shut down for the night all except H-Sally.She was off in the Great Forest thinking of a plan to disroy the Hype armour and bring Knuckles to his sences. *Snively you dunderhead answer me*Came a staticky voice "Yes, Hype-Nik I got ya clear."He answerd *Have you placed the chip on the machines?*Nik asked "Yes master"He answerd *Good...Out*H-Nik cut off *We can't just leave him here!*H-Sally shouted "Well if we move him it might disort him and he may stop breathing." Jessica whisperd "Hey FF what's up we came as fast as We heard."Vector yelled barging in. "How did you survive the blast?"Tails wonderd "you never told me" "Sorry mesenger dude"Vector replied *That dosent mater now!*H-Sally yelled*Do you or don't you have the magic rings?* "We do Sal"Came a new voice from the corner. *Mighty good to see ya.Now I need them ok!*H-Sally screamed "Here you are Sally"Charmy said handing her the rings Sally took one end of the ring and forced the other into knuckles. "Will this work Sally"Jesty asked But he got no answer.The explosion from the ring blew away the Great Forest (or so it seemed). Hype-Nik snored in his chair.A scream from one of the factories woke him. *Snively it has started*He yelled "What has started sir"He asked anoyed to be waken at this time *My Hype-Droids have emerged to inhanched MechHype-Droids.* "What does that mean" *They have now aquierd the hedgehog's best wepon.* "What part is that" *The spines fool the spines!*He yelled! "Of course now goodnight" "Sally did you hear that!"Tails yelled. As he pushed himslef up he noticed no one was near him.No one. "JESTY!SALLY!Help!"He called "Tails"It was Sally She ran up to him and hugged hime for the longest time. "I'm so glad your alive"She exclaimed "S S Sally it's really you.Your Sally"Tails said "Yep!The energy force from the ring took off the coat of metal.It seems to be day and I think were still in the Great Forest."She said "Ohhh where am I"Called Espio "Espio get up it's me Mighty" "Luckly the Team was flung together"Charmy said cheerfully "Are we in Robotropolis?"Vector asked. *No*Came a voice*Your on HYPE-Island.Formally Floating Island*It was MechHype-Sonic "Guy's duck"It was knuckles. He came hurtling forward and bashed his claws into M-H-Sonic's head.When he tore his hand back the metal coat had ripped off and uner it was The Real SONIC. "Why would Robottnik just put a coat of metal over the character"Knuckles was confuse *This is why*M-H-Sonic yelled fully restored blowing a hard punch on knuckles.*Now for the rest of you* "Jesty!Jesty!"Tron yelled"we gotta move" "Ok Tron"Jesty said comming to his sences The team took off with Mech-Hype-Bunnie on their tail. "Hey Brash.By the way where are we?"Jesty yelled "The Hype Island"Brash yelled. Mech-Hype-Bunnie used her extending arms to capture Jesty and Brash un aware of the other two she left. "She d d didn't track us"Tron yelled "Were luk lucky for that"Jessica panted *Here master I have captured the Echinda*M-H-Sonic said "Think again dumb bott"Knuckles yelled leaping up and smashing the droids arm coat off. *DIE*Yelled M-H-Nik He took out a blaster and shot. "What a shoot Jelly Belly"Knuckles said leaping away in front of M-H-Sonic. *I have you now*He yelled shooting another blast. Knuckles jumped out of the way so it shot M-H-Sonic.The blast distroyed the coat of metal revealing Sonic. *Nooooo*Nik yelled! "Where who "Sonic said stupidly"Robottnik?"He asked looking at the huge droid "You guessed it Blue dude"Knuckles said."Lets get out of here!" *Snively follow them with the H -14NOW* "Yes master"he said speeding away after the twosome. M-H-Bunnie walked in not soon after he had left. *I have caught two living orginism's* *Good put them in the Hypeininzer now* "I wouldn't do that bolt brain"Yelled Jodie *Is little Foxy gonna defeat me with her x ray vision*He laughed "No I'm gonna help her!"Yelled Chaos Echinda "Us too!"It was Tails and Sally "Don't forget us Buttnik"Sonic and Knuckles yelled Jesty woke up along with Brash. "Guy's"It was Tron "Come on" Tron led them to a ledge just above M-H-Nik "Hey fatty look up"Yelled Jesty M-H-Nik turned and looked up to see the Geo's "Let's bust this place"Mighty and the Chaotix yelled jumping down behind Nik. *AHHHHHHH!!!!!!MECH-HYPE-WARRIORS ATTACK!*